An excerpt from Nobody Knows I’m Famous: A Year In Life Of An Unknown Musician
22 April 2016, Friday
I’m working under the premise that if I write half a page a day for the next year, I’ll produce a publishable manuscript that illuminates the inner workings of Halloween Baptizmand my thoughts on music in general. This suggests the possible fallacy that people – normal people andmusicians – will be interested in what I have to say. This is one of the problems of being a relatively unknown musician: The presumption that your work and ideas are of interest to others andpossess intrinsic value even though you’ve not been able to turn that work or those ideas into substantial renown or monetary income. Let me be more forthright and specific:
The presumption that mywork and ideas are of interest to others and possess intrinsic value even though I’venot been able to turn that work or those ideas into substantial renown or monetary income.
Splendid, I can work with these presumptions, as most people don’t seem to know who anybody is!