Shawn Buys A Kiss Record

An excerpt from Nobody Knows I’m Famous: A Year In Life Of An Unknown Musician When I was six-years-old, I told my mom that I had heard a song on the radio and that I’d like to buy the record…but, I didn’t know what the song was called or who played it. Undaunted, my mom took …


Halloween Blog

Here you will find excerpts from my book Nobody Knows I’m Famous: A Year In Life Of An Unknown Musician, a few essays and entries that were cut before publication, and post-Halloween Baptizm musings. Shawn Buys a Kiss Record 2. Exercise: Can Listing “What You Like” Help You Understand “Why You Like It?” 3. Nobody Knows I’m …


Halloween Press

Press for Halloween Baptizm and Nobody Knows I’m Famous “Required reading for anyone trying to negotiate the modern music world, not so much as a how-to, but rather as a traveling companion, providing companionship and sympathy for those of us trying to make our way.” – Michael Ross, Guitar Moderne “That Persinger is so good at …


Halloween Baptizm Art

The artwork for Halloween Baptizm was created by two artists. Maria Nicklin did the cover art for the CD, transcription book, and poster. Gonzalo Fuentes created the cover art for Nobody Knows I’m Famous, as well as illustrations to compliment the essays therein. Below is a sample of their respective works. Please visit their webpages …



For band bookings, interviews, guitar lesson information, or just to say “Hi,” please email: PresterJohnMusic[at]

Guitar Lessons with Shawn Persinger

In addition to being an accomplished performer and composer, Shawn is also a highly respected teacher. Shawn is currently accepting private students in his studio in New Haven, CT and via Skype. He also teaches a group class on The Music of The Beatles. For information regarding rates and availability please e-mail: PresterJohnMusic[at] Qualifications, Experience, and Accolades. – Writer …



VIDEO     AUDIO     SHOWS     FACEBOOK Join the Mailing List   For bookings email: PresterJohnMusic(at) Described as “James Brown meets Pink Floyd at an Ozzy Osbourne Dance Party” 11twelve13 feature the unique talents of James Anderson on drums, Joe Casillo on bass, and Shawn Persinger (a.k.a. Prester John) on guitar, vocals, and effects. 11twelve13 provide funky …


All Upcoming Events

Shawn Persinger appears in many different forms. Here you will find notices for: 1) Shawn solo, 2) The Luck Pushers, 3) Guitar Clinics, 4) Shawn Teaches the Music of The Beatles YouTube Videos: ThePresterJohnMusic UPCOMING 2025 February 4th THE MUSIC OF THE BEATLES: Hamden, CT, 11AM Email Shawn for more information: PresterJohnMusic [@] February …
